A downloadable soundtrack

This is not a submission since I thought that the deadline was tomorrow. As it turns out its not and I cant believe it. Regardless, I must feel the need to post this here since I don't want the entire work (even if its unpolished) to be left to waste and not be shown. This is not a submission since I'm too late for that part, 2 hours late to be exact.

Didn't know I was given another chance to be in the competition, even if it is a late submission by the rules at least I can be a part of it one way to another, Thanks Lone Rabbit.

Though I had to edit the cover page again so sorry about the weird sword graphic, it didn't fir the aesthetic I hoped for. I used Canva to make this art cover

I made the entire soundtrack in LMMS as my DAW mainly using the soundfont VST.

Theme and Explanation:

My interpretation for the theme "Inside my World" is simply a reverse Isekai situation, where fantasy characters come in to the real world. 

Genres: mainly chiptune, electronic


My imaginary game involves a retro 8 bit Legend of Zelda game where a knight in shining armor saves a princess in the evil castle but then everything is transported to the real world, not just the princess and the knight but all the monsters in that castle. Now the knight has to find the princess again but in a entirely different setting and style since fighting is not the main option anymore. (because you could get arrested lol)

All the songs is unpolished since it's supposed to be my first JAM and everything, I tried to be ambitious but can't think of composing some of the songs in general, specifically the battle and boss music. forgive me if its unpolished or anything. I really mean it since I have no clue about mixing and getting my volume right so forgive me if some songs are too loud or soft.
Playlist Link: 

Number of tracks: 7

Tracks (explaination and story):


I love the main menu, it helps set the tone of the game and in this context, it helps give the chiptune kind of feeling but with a little bit of a twist. The music box instrument sets up the main melody and also the motif you'll be listening for a while. 

Now this isnt entirely chiptune if you listen, I have my reasons and it will be revealed in the later songs.


A theme fitting for a princess, I added a bit of short notes to add a little bit of flair. Like any other old videogames, the princess is the knight's lover. They vow to get married very soon but the princess suddenly got kidnapped to the castle. It is up to the knight to save his beloved and defeat the kidnappers.

This song is essentially the flashback sequence, where exposition is shown and stuff.


I used the odd time signature to give it a eerie vibe, specifically 5/8. I also used a wavetable synth to make that old kind of castle vibe giving a more noble flair as the knight explores the enemy territory.


As soon as you encounter an enemy, its battle time! Tried to make it as easy to hear as possible since you're gonna listen to this every time you fight the enemy. It's loopable at some point and tried to make it as a banger, wit the classic sine bass and the cool intro.


Made the track as uneasy as possible with the chord progressions and the repeating loud low note.

When the knight reunites with the princess, they hug it out and prepare to flee the castle. But something is wrong, its not like the princess is hurt or anything but the knight can't place his finger around it. Why are the enemies so easy to fight? Where is the mastermind of this kidnapping? What is the giant crystal in the room with the princess doing here and why is it cracking and vibrating? But before he could come up with an answer...

Crack, crackle...


A flash of light covered the entire room blinding the princess and the knight


Now this is where my twist comes along, this isnt an old SNES game i made but something else entirely. Using a bitcrush mix I recently learned, I decide to transition the genre from chiptune to something more electronic.

The knight thought he was dead, he thought he was stuck on limbo but realized he was not dead at all. when he begun to look around and gather his bearings, something was not right. He could see more colors than he could imagine, buildings seem more taller than he thought, the trees seem to have more leaves than I thought. The world felt a bit less square and more round.

he was not in world which he remembered but in another world


I thought I could be a little bit cheeky and slightly adjust the main menu theme, since its now different, I changed parts of the synth to be a bit more electronic, signifying that its different now, this isn't the 8 bit world anymore, its the real world now.


There was supposed to be more songs with the real world flair but realized I was already running out of time, so I decided to get to the final scene.

When the knight finally sees the princess, it was already sunset, the sun was going through the horizon on the pink darkening skies. The princess was looking over the edge of a balcony staring to the scene, speechless. 

"The sunset is beautiful" the princess finally said after a long silence.

"It really is." The knight replied.

"I could never see sights like this in the castle, never have I imagined something as wonderful as looking at this." The princess said

"No painting in the castle can ever compare to the picture I see with my own two eyes" the princess continued, tears streaking through her eyes.

She came to the knight and suddenly proposed:

"Let's stay here forever"

A dilemma is formed in the knights head

Would he bring the princess back in the world of the game console and defeat the mastermind behind the incident?

Or would he leave it all behind for the sake of his love?

Videos (for verification):



OST7_main menu.wav 18 MB
OST7_princess.wav 7.5 MB
OST7_castle.wav 26 MB
OST7_battle.wav 21 MB
OST7_a sign.wav 11 MB
OST7_main menu?.wav 18 MB
OST7_transition.wav 24 MB
OST7_A new color.wav 12 MB

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